WOW Yard Sale
Come out to our yard sale on October 12-13, 2019 from 8a-3p at 86-024 Glenmonger St. (corner of Pokai Bay St. and GlenmongerSt.) We are...

2019 Peace Boat Cultural Exchange
The Peace Boat is a non-government Japanese organization that is raising awareness and building connections internationally among groups...

2019 Scholarship Awards Luncheon
W OW was pleased to be able to provide 19 people with scholarships this year! Since WOW had a very successful year of fundraising, we...

2019 "Oldies But Goodies Night"
WOW did it again and had a wonderfully successful fundraiser!!! The ladies of WOW hosted a fun night of food, entertainment and...

"Oldies but Goodies Night Fundraiser"
It's happening again!!!! Get your tickets!!!

2019 Scholarships Available
The new applications are available for applying for a scholarship for this year on the website or at the Wai'anae Library and at the...

Annual Japanese Peaceboat Hosting
The Women of Wai'anae again hosted 31 visitors and staff members to the Leeward Coast at the Kahumana Organic Farms and Cafe. The...
Last Yard Sale! Early Black Friday!!!!
November 10-12th 8a-3p @ 86-024 Glenmonger St., Waianae The prices are right and there is something for everyone! !

Open Forum #2
Since the last open forum was informative and very beneficial to both the government officials and the community, WOW is hosting a second...

Homeless Forum Reminder
Come out an mingle with government officials! Ask questions and offer opinions! Represent the Westside!!!