Women of Wai'anae Welcomes the Peace Boat to Hawaii!
On July 19, 2014, the Women of Wai'anae raised scholarship funds by hosting approximately 50 members of the Peace Boat in a cultural...

Women of Wai'anae Laundry Soap For Sale
Over the summer of 2014, the Women of Wai'anae made laundry soap and sold it for $5/carton. Proceeds went to support WOW's scholarship...

Performance of 'The Vagina Monologues' on 2/15/14, 3 pm, at MA'O Farms
On February 15, 2014, as part of the One Billion Rising movement, the Women of Wai'anae partnered with MA'O Farms and the First Unitarian...

Women of Wai`anae Yard Sale - Aug. 3-4, 2013, 8am-2pm
Many Wai'anae residents find great bargains at the WOW yard sales held several time a year at 86-024 Glenmonger Street, Wai'anae, HI...

2013 Women of Wai'anae Scholarship Winners
From top left: Haiju Mukai (Grandwinner), Patricia Plunkett, Lenore Pascubillo, Lorna Kekahuna, Diana Delima, Florence Eli -Adams,...